Individual tutoring
My Teaching and Learning Philosophy
Cost and Schedules
Contact Noa
Math Survey
Individual tutoring [ back to top ]
Individual tutoring is available for learners of all ages and all levels. While most of the tutoring focuses on mathematical thinking and problem-solving, I am also available to help students with general study skills, thinking skills, organizational skills, memory structuring & retrieval, etc. All of these areas are designed to supplement and enhance the individual thinking styles and preferences of each person.
Assessment [ back to top ]
In order to best serve learners, I recommend an initial 2-hour assessment session to allow me to get to know various aspects of the student's natural ways of approaching problems and ideas. Through casual conversation, as well as a variety of games, puzzles, and non-test-like assessment tools, I am able to get a good sense of an individual's natural preferences and avoidances in terms of curiosity, frustration, concentration, distraction, perseverance, anxiety, memory, modeling, abstraction, reasoning, intuition, etc. At the same time, students get to know me, and come to understand that the methods, the tempo, and the style of teaching that will take place will be determined by their own needs and preferences.
My Teaching & Learning Philosophy [ back to top ]
You can learn more about my thoughts on teaching and learning by reading some of the entries under Workshops (through the link above) and under Background (through the link in the shell at the top left).
Cost and Schedules [ back to top ]
Individual tutoring sessions generally take place once a week, although some students come more frequently. Cost for private tutoring is $50 for a one hour session. (The fee for the initial 2-hour assessment session, which is recommended for all students under 18, is $125).
Nashville State Community College students have the option of scheduling a 45 minute session for $35. Discounts are available for small groups studying the same topics. (The assessment session is not always a requirement for adult learners.)
Location [ back to top ]
I teach in a studio in the Sylvan Park area (not far from Vanderbilt). Though it is possible to make arrangements to meet elsewhere, it is best to meet at the studio where I have many interesting resources and tools to choose from. The atmosphere in the studio is very comfortable, informal, and relaxed. Once an appointment is set up, a map and directions are accessible on this site under the Resources link.
Contact Noa [ back to top ]
For more information, feel free to call me at 615-269-7526 or contact me through the e-mail link at the top-right of this page.
Math Survey [ back to top ]
As part of my graduate studies, I designed a survey aimed at gathering information about individual's mathematical experiences, feelings and attitudes. Click here to take the survey.